Office Hours
Monday through Thursday:
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Evening hours are available
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday:
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Evening hours are available
These visit lengths reflect the amount of time your child and you actually get to see the doctor.
Sadly, most adult and child psychiatrists only see patients for brief medication visits (~10 minutes).
We have chosen to establish longer periods of time for patients to review concerns in detail.
All plans are “plan” specific and pay differently. It is the patients’ responsibility to know their plan payment details. Please call your insurer to confirm that your child will be covered by our practice before your visit and that no special referrals are needed. Look on the back of your insurance card and read it carefully for this contact information. Sometimes the company and phone number for mental health (or behavioral health) benefits are different than they are for physical health insurance. If so, contact the mental health (behavioral health) company. We also suggest you write down their answer along with the name of the person you talk to and the date & time of the call. Health benefits are so complex this will protect you if there is a conflict about a bill in the future. Note: The remaining information on this screen does not apply to you.
All health plans agreements are between the patient and their insurance carrier. As a courtesy, we will submit charges for services to your insurance company before billing you directly. However, any balance not paid by your insurance company will be your responsibility in full. Most insurance companies will give the family back part of the cost for services if the proper steps are followed (see below). If our fee or payment would cause a hardship for your family, please let us know beforehand – we will be happy to arrange a payment plan. Please talk with us before the visit.