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Telehealth – We use Zoom to securely connect with our patients.
Click the button below to find the Zoom link for your provider. You do not need a meeting ID.

Welcome to 4KidHelp!
At 4KidHelp and Adults our primary goal is to provide an atmosphere of warmth and specialized mental health counseling and medical services. Our growing practice utilizes mixed therapies to meet the needs of each individual client.
We see children, adolescents and adults in a sacred trust, starting with a thorough evaluation. We are a practice of experience, having over 20 years on average per professional on our staff. We do not “push” medications; medications are one option which may or may not be right for any one person. We sit with families to discern the reasons for a problem and then work together to find the best solutions for that family, either within our practice or with outside resources. We have counseling services available in our practice if that is desired by families.
Reasons to see a Mental Health Professional
If you or your child are experiencing any of the following at school or work:
problems with anger or mood swings
unable to pay attention, easily distracted
depression or increased irritability
unable to focus or concentrate
sexual or physical assault
hearing voices or seeing hallucinations
performance at school or work has markedly dropped without a reason
street drug use
withdrawn and having difficulty interacting with peers
learning problems which haven’t been solved at school or work
inappropriate sexual behaviour
experiencing other difficulties not listed here
cannot sleep
problems with anger or mood swings
problems with tics which are annoying
is anxious
is hyperactive
The 4KidHelp Approach
Our Skilled Team Includes:
Our Location
4368 Dressler Rd. NW Canton, OH 44718